Attendees at CGA’s first seminar thought so. Run as an informal presentation and discussion group this seminar was aimed at Leaders and Managers in the Financial, Technology and Professional Services Industries to show how taking on the Collab-Lab approach to review critical teams and groups can help organisations thrive during times of change.
The basis of the seminar was research that was undertaken over the previous 5 years at XL Catlin, a Global Insurance Organisation. During the talk, evidence showed how team and group capability needs to be equal to or exceed the demands of the marketplace if high performance is to occur.
This concept is not a new one. Jack Welch, chairman and CEO of General Electric, has been quoted as saying “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside then the end is near”. However, what is new is the ability to diagnose what the current capability is of your team or group and to have a clear prescribed plan of action that both leaders and their teams are confident and engaged with.
Participants spent time discussing how change, teams, innovation and meeting clients’ needs inter-relate. Also, how leveraging the appropriate structure of collaboration is important. Overall, there was a consensus that there are too many factors impacting the performance of a team or a group to be fully confident to know what changes to make and that the Collab-Lab diagnostic is a new and useful tool to do this.
Overall attendees gave good feedback saying things such as:
“This is the biggest move forwards in team dynamics in a decade!” – delivery Lead, Global Management Consultancy
“I felt excited after the talk and carried that with me into the following day!” – Project Manager, Technology Consultancy
“Really good atmosphere and group dynamic, it was incredible. I felt really comfortable discussing ideas in such a fun and safe environment.” – CEO, Software House
If you are interested in exploring if the Collab-Lab Diagnostic Tool could help your team or group please contact us to arrange an initial meeting. These meetings are free of charge and will help you determine what action you can take to become even more successful.